GUNTER, GLIEBEN, GLAUSEN, GLOBEN. Four nonsensical words that mean nothing. But to the millions of Def Leppard fans they signify that a ceremony of both sight and sound has just begun. Being called “The Next Best Thing to Def Leppard” is an honor that LEPPARD: The Def Leppard
Experience doesn’t take lightly. Ten years in the making, the band captures the music and the essence of a rock band that has sold over 100 million albums worldwide. Grabbing the bull by the horns, LEPPARD has stunned audiences all over the world with their amazing recreation of one of the most memorable rock bands and rock songs ever written. The music, the vocals, the harmonies and the screams. Don’t worry, it’s all there. Fortunately the band has worked hard to make sure that nothing is left out. And once the show starts, LEPPARD never slows down. The guitars are on 11, the bass reverberates the low rhythms and the drums cut through the excited crowd as the band glides through a long list of energetic rock anthems and power ballads that will have the crowd singing along and screaming for more. But being professional, first-class veterans of rock are only part of the band’s arsenal. At the core of this band lives an unrivaled chemistry that comes alive on the stage. The band exudes vitality, and their excitement is contagious. Those of you who have seen the band already know what I mean. Those who haven’t, well, you’re in for quite a treat.
Guest opener The 45 will be playing all your favorite cover songs.
21+ Show.
Tickets $15 advance, $20 day of show.
Doors 7 – Show 9pm